Teacher Aided Smart Classroom

Tamil Nadu Foundation

Smart Classroom Pilot Project

Tamil Nadu Foundation recently launched “Smart Classroom Pilot Project” at Vadasidhur Govt. Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore, India on July 24th, 2019 in four classrooms under the “Teacher aided” model. With the objective of improving the overall quality of education offered by Tamil Nadu Government high schools, the Smart classroom Project will focus on empowering teachers to harness the power of digital technology to supplement traditional teaching material. The program includes providing a computer  in each classroom, which will showcase the lessons using interactive content.

Compliant with Tamil Nadu “Samacheer Kalvi” program, the smart classroom initiative has been designed for schools who have limited infrastructure such as: no internet, No air conditioning, etc.  The teacher will have full control on how to manage the class session.

What is a “Teacher Aided” Model?

  • Targeted at schools serving students with no or limited digital exposure
  • Aimed at augmenting education without overwhelming students
  • Teacher influences what content is offered to the students based on class/ student needs. They control the “teaching pack” for the class 
  • Teacher guided content discovery for students facilitating smooth transition to digital medium
  • Empowered to augment pre-packaged content – flexibility to upload content in multiple formats
  • Design and impart tests per class needs

Pilot Overview

  • Digital Content from pre-K to 12th Standard
  • Content closely aligned with Tamil Nadu government syllabus
  • Tamil Nadu Foundation team responsible for updating content
  • Centralized Call center to support the teachers
  • Teacher training on a quarterly basis
  • Whatsapp group to share “best practices” and “tips”

Key Features

  • Teacher empowerment – Guided exposure to digital learning
  • Minimal dependencies – Designed to work with limited infrastructure, even without internet access
  • Augmented learning – designed to enhance and not replace traditional teaching
  • Interactive content – supports audio, video, animation to encourage visual learning
  • Metrics Driven – Tracks content usage by classroom and teacher