
[TNF is a Tax exempt charitable organization and your contribution may be tax deductible under IRS regulations.]


  • Use the drop down arrow in the box below to choose the project or district or chapter you are donating to (if you do not choose one of the several options given, your donation will go towards TNF General Fund):
  • Select Donating To District
  • 0 of 256 max characters
  • Amount in US Dollars
  • $0.00

  • You can pay by credit card using Credit Card option or PayPal option.

    If paying by 'Zelle QuickPay' please complete the steps in your bank application to transfer funds using Zelle.

    If paying by check, please mail check in favor of TNF to:
    7575 Windsor Drive
    Dublin, OH 43016
  • Please note that 5% of your donation for this project will be directed to the TNF Humanitarian Fund. The majority of this fund is designated for disaster relief efforts, including responses to floods, pandemics, and wildfires. Additionally, this fund helps cover payment processing fees and certain administrative costs related to project execution.

    Please check the box below to confirm your acknowledgment that 5% of your donation will go toward the TNF Humanitarian Fund.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Tamil Nadu Foundation

Matching Grant from Corporations

The following list of companies have a matching grant program that recognizes TNF.
These companies allow one or more of the following methods of contribution:

– Recurring Payroll deductions
– Recurring Payroll deductions with a match from the corporation
– Non-Recurring donations match from the corporation
– Non-Recurring donations towards employees’ volunteer hours

If your employer is listed here, then please contact their “Giving Program” to maximize your donations to TNF
If your employer is not listed, please contact your company to see if they would consider participating.
TNF Treasurer can provide necessary documentation and further assistance.

Payment Option 1 – Mailing a Check in the U.S.

Make your check payable to TNF

(a) write the name of The Project/Chapter you are contributing to in the memo section,

(b) include your email id on the check and mail it to:

7575 Windsor Drive
Dublin, OH 43016


Name of the Organization:

Tamil Nadu Foundation, USA Inc.
Tax ID #52-1064562
7575 Windsor Drive
Dublin, OH 43016

Payment Option 2 – Online U.S. $ transfer from your U.S.A. bank account to TNF. U.S.A. bank account:

Donors can send donations through Zelle QuickPay if you are setup to transfer to another account. The recipient email address to send money to TNF is the email and include the name of the project you are donating to.

Please use the email to find Tamil Nadu Foundation in your bank’s Zelle Pay section

Payment Option 3 – Mailing Indian Rupee Checks:

If you would like to donate in Indian Rupees, make your check payable to TNF INC TN CHAPTER. Include a note along with the check on the following REQUIRED information:

(a) your PAN card number (if available)
(b) your contact address in India to which the receipt will be mailed
(c) your contact address and phone number in the U.S. and email
(d) name of the project/chapter you are donating to
(e) copy of your passport page that has your picture
(f) copy of your OCI or PIO (if available)

Above information is required for all non-residents of India, irrespective of their citizenship and TNF can deposit your INR checks in the bank only after receiving the above information.

Mail your check and note to:
Chief Executive Officer,
Tamil Nadu Foundation
No 27, Taylors Road,
Chennai- 600 010.
Phone: 044- 26446319

Indian rupee checks can also be mailed to the Joint Treasurer in the U.S.A. and we will send that to TNF Chennai office. Due to FCRA regulations, TNF does not accept online transfer of Indian rupees from non-resident Indians and non-Indian citizens.